Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Where can I find help on the system?

Electronic manuals are available in Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat PDF format from within the eSPEC application. Due to the proprietary nature of some of the material contained within the manual, suppliers must login to the system before being able to access system documentation. To view the manual, login using your eSPEC userID and password and then select Help from the taskbar along the left side of the screen.

How do I know which CAD format I need?

Different CAD systems often require different file formats. International uses Unigraphics V18 and supports UG, Parasolid, IGES, STEP, and CGM within eSPEC. If you're not sure which format you need, try consulting with your Information Technology (IT) group to find an appropriate format. The most compatible formats with International's systems are UG and Parasolid. International's CAD requirements are located on this site under System Requirements.

Why can I see other people's documents when I login?

eSPEC allows everyone at a company to see all documents sent to anyone at that company within the last 60 days. In case of an emergency or in the case that someone goes on vacation, other people from a company can access information, allowing for greater versatility.

The Buyer/PPM I'm working with said they sent me an RFQ but I can't see it.

Often, the drawings that a supplier requires to complete an RFQ need to be translated to a format other than International's native UG format so that our suppliers can read them. The drawings that are attached to your document may be in the process of being converted. The eSPEC online system will notify you with an email when your document is completed and posted to your home page. Please wait until you recieve this notification before attempting to retrieve your document.